Category: Depression
254: Allyson Golden | Light in the Darkness
254: Allyson Golden | Light in the Darkness Allyson Golden | Light in the Darkness Allyson Golden is the creator of the online ministry Words Are Golden, where she champions women in their faith. A pediatric nurse, Allyson also runs an online community for women called She Who Speaks Light and is the author of…
21 Days of Gratitude: What Your 5 Senses Have to Do with Giving Thanks, Day 20
21 Days of Gratitude: What Your 5 Senses Have to Do with Giving Thanks, Day 20 Where do you listen to podcasts? I hope you find it here and FOLLOW along! So you never miss a new episode. Welcome to Day 20 of the 21 Days of Gratitude series on the Grace Enough Podcast. Today,…
217: Jasmine Holmes | How to Shatter Shame’s Hold On You
217: Jasmine Holmes | How to Shatter Shame’s Hold on You Jasmine Holmes | How to Shatter Shame’s Hold on You Jasmine L. Holmes is the author of Carved in Ebony: Lessons from the Black Women Who Shape Us and Mother to Son: Letters to A Black Boy on Identity and Hope. She is also a contributing author for World…
205: Ed Welch | Psychiatric Diagnosis & God’s Word
205: Ed Welch | Psychiatric Diagnosis & God’s Word Ed Welch | Psychiatric Diagnosis & God’s Word Edward T. Welch, MDiv, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at CCEF. He earned a PhD in counseling (neuropsychology) from the University of Utah and has a Master ofDivinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. Welch has…
204: Caris Snider | Battling Anxiety
204: Caris Snider | Battling Anxiety Caris Snider | Battling Anxiety Caris Snider is a Christian Communicator who shares the hope of God through speaking, writing, coaching, and leading worship. She is the author of Anxiety Elephants 31 Day Devotional and Anxiety Elephants 90 Day Devotional for Tween Boys and Girls. She shares from personal experience…
Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation, 166
Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation, 166 Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation Lori Wildenberg, mom of a daughter who has wrestled with depression, is passionate about helping parents help their children navigate a messy life. Lori is a licensed parent and family educator, national…