How Grace Enough Came About

A speaker at a tea luncheon I attended, encouraged the women in the room to dream again in the midst of the daily grind.  The next week I began journaling and asking God to remind me of the gifts He had given me.  I wrote down the question, “What do I love?”  My answer was connecting people, meaningful conversations, learning the stories of other people, and Jesus.  When I read my answers, the first thing that popped in my mind was “start a podcast.”  I took my thoughts before the Lord for months.  I would be all in, then fear would take over and I would justify why launching a podcast was a bad idea.  Eventually, I realized I was allowing fear to motivate my decisions instead of faith.  The reality is I believe every person has a story and every story has the opportunity to impact another person to surrender to God and His unmerited favor, His grace.  

Amber Cullum

I am the podcast host behind Grace Enough.  I am first a child of God. I am saved by His grace alone, but I don’t always act like it. I am a wife to Sam, a mom of 3, a Physical Therapist, a Kentucky native living in Raleigh, and a lover of connecting with people and learning the stories of God’s grace in their lives.

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