Tag: Parents
Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation, 166
Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation, 166 Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation Lori Wildenberg, mom of a daughter who has wrestled with depression, is passionate about helping parents help their children navigate a messy life. Lori is a licensed parent and family educator, national…
105: Cheri Jimenez | What is a Safe Family?
105: Cheri Jimenez | What is a Safe Family? Cheri Jimenez | Safe Families Raleigh Chapter Director Cheri Jimenez presently serves as the Chapter Director for Raleigh Safe Families for Children (SFFC), a faith-based national movement that gives hope and support to families in distress. SFFC reframes how families are supported during a crisis and is…
102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality
102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality Christopher Yuan Christopher Yuan, DMin,has taught the Bible at Moody Bible Institute for over ten years and his speaking ministry on faith and sexuality has reached five continents. He speaks at conferences, on college campuses, and in churches. He has co-authored with his mother their memoir, Out…
93: Lynn Cowell | Developing Strong Relationships With Your Daughters
93: Lynn Cowell | Developing A Strong relationship With Your Daughters Lynn Cowell | Developing A Strong relationship With Your Daughters Lynn Cowell is part of the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ speaker and writing team. As the author of several books, written for women of all ages, her newest book is: Loved & Cherished: 100 Devotionals for Girls.…
92: Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | Pop Culture Parent
92: Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | Pop Culture Parent Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | Pop Culture Parent Ted Turnau, PhD, teaches culture, religion, and media studies at Anglo-American University in Prague, Czech Republic. He is the author of Popologetics and the coauthor of The Pop Culture Parent. (Twitter: @tedturnau) Jared Moore, PhD, serves…
91: Mary Flo Ridley | Let’s Talk Birds and Bees
91: Mary Flo Ridley | Let’s Talk Birds and Bees Mary Flo Ridley | Let’s Talk Birds and Bees The Birds & Bees Founder, Mary Flo Ridley, has been passionately sharing this message all over the world for 30 years. Mary Flo and her husband Dave have been married for 40 years, they have three…
90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids To Challenge Cultural Lies
90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids To Challenge Cultural Lies 90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids To Challenge Cultural Lies Hillary Morgan Ferrer is the founder and Mama-Bear-in-Chief of Mama Bear Apologetics. She feels a burden for providing accessible apologetics resources for busy moms. Hillary is the co-author and general editor of Mama…