Tag: gospel
217: Jasmine Holmes | How to Shatter Shame’s Hold On You
217: Jasmine Holmes | How to Shatter Shame’s Hold on You Jasmine Holmes | How to Shatter Shame’s Hold on You Jasmine L. Holmes is the author of Carved in Ebony: Lessons from the Black Women Who Shape Us and Mother to Son: Letters to A Black Boy on Identity and Hope. She is also a contributing author for World…
194: Rebecca McLaughlin | Intellects Are Christians Too
194: Rebecca McLaughlin | Intellects Are Christians Too Rebecca McLaughlin | Intellects Are Christians Too Rebecca McLaughlin holds a Ph.D. in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is the author of Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion (2019), which was named…
Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher | The Value of Women, 141
Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher | The Value of Women, ep. 141 Elyse Fitzpatrick & Eric Schumacher | The Value of Women Elyse Fitzpatrick is a nationally sought-after speaker and author, speaking at the Gospel Coalition’s conference and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s Revive Our Hearts. She holds a certificate in biblical counseling and has an MA…
102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality
102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality Christopher Yuan Christopher Yuan, DMin,has taught the Bible at Moody Bible Institute for over ten years and his speaking ministry on faith and sexuality has reached five continents. He speaks at conferences, on college campuses, and in churches. He has co-authored with his mother their memoir, Out…
96: Alisa Childers | Truth In Response To Progressive Christianity
96: Alisa Childers | Truth In Response To Progressive Christianity Alisa Childers | Truth In Response To Progressive Christianity Alisa Childers is a wife, a mom, an author, a blogger, a speaker, and a worship leader. She was a member of the award-winning CCM recording group ZOEgirl. She is a popular speaker at apologetics and Christian…
92: Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | Pop Culture Parent
92: Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | Pop Culture Parent Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | Pop Culture Parent Ted Turnau, PhD, teaches culture, religion, and media studies at Anglo-American University in Prague, Czech Republic. He is the author of Popologetics and the coauthor of The Pop Culture Parent. (Twitter: @tedturnau) Jared Moore, PhD, serves…