21 Days of Gratitude: Thanking God for People in Our Lives, Day 9

21 Days of Gratitude: Day 8, Thanking God for People in Our Lives, Day 9

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Welcome to Day 9 of the 21 Days of Gratitude series on the Grace Enough Podcast.  Today, we delve into the profound practice of expressing thanksgiving to God for the people in our lives.

Drawing inspiration from the Apostle Paul’s expressions of gratitude in his letters, we explore the transformative power of acknowledging God’s image within each of us.

Amid our busy lives, this crucial act of gratitude can realign our focus on the numerous blessings we often overlook.

Remember, thanking God for the people in our lives is an affirmation of His blessings and an opportunity to appreciate the richness of the family of God. Tune in to ’21 Days of Gratitude’ on Grace Enough Podcast and deepen your gratitude practice today!

Key Takeaways:

  • Community Importance: Gratitude reemphasizes the value of community, uniquely highlighting the different personalities and gifts each person brings.
  • God’s Grace in Action: Being grateful allows us to recognize God’s workings in the lives of His people, giving us the faith to believe He is working for their good, even when we can’t see it.
  • Practicing Thankfulness: Echoing Paul’s example, make it a consistent practice to express your gratitude to God for the people in your life as a healthy acknowledgment of His boundless grace.

4 Week Free Gratitude Practice:



“The act of expressing gratitude to God for the people in our lives is a beautiful way to reorient our minds on the many blessings we often take for granted. And it’s an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the image of God that we share with all humanity.” -Amber Cullum
“Let’s make it a habit to thank God and Jesus for the people in our lives. It’s an acknowledgment of His grace and a reminder of the richness of the family of God.” -Amber Cullum

21 Days of Gratitude Episodes:

4 Week Free Gratitude Practice:


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