Category: Porn

  • 220: Jessica Harris | Helpful Message for Christian Women Struggling with Porn

    220: Jessica Harris | Helpful Message for Christian Women Struggling with Porn Jessica Harris | Helpful Message for Christian Women Struggling with Porn Jessica Harris is a writer and international speaker who talks openly and honestly about pornography addiction among Christian women in order to facilitate healing. She is recognized as a leading voice on…

  • 219: Rosie Makinney | The Truth About Women Crushed by Porn in Their Relationships

    219: Rosie Makinney | The Truth About Women Crushed by Porn in Their Relationships Rosie Makinney Rosie Makinney is the founder of Fight For Love Ministries, which empowers women with the faith and the facts to fight against porn addiction and its effects on them, their spouses, and their families. She is the author of…

  • 197: Rachel Joy Welcher | Talking Back to Purity Culture

    197: Rachel Joy Welcher | Talking Back to Purity Culture Rachel Joy Welcher | Talking Back to Purity Culture Rachel Joy Welcher works as an editor at Fathom Magazine and Lexham Press and received her Master of Letters in theology from The University of St. Andrews in Scotland. She is the author of three collections of…

  • Joshua Broome | Porn Star to Pastor | 144

    Joshua Broome | Porn Star to Pastor | 144 Joshua Broome | Porn Star to Pastor Joshua Broome at one time was a star in the porn industry, but now he is a dedicated husband, father, and pastor who is telling his story of God’s mercy and kindness. Facebook-f Instagram Joshua Broome joins Amber to…

  • 54: Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography

    54: Nick Stumbo | Finding Freedom From Pornography Nick Stumbo EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Pure Desire Ministries As a third-generation pastor, Nick Stumbo started his ministry career at the East Hills Alliance Church in Kelso, Washington. Serving as their lead pastor for more than a decade, Nick observed the fallout of sexual brokenness and devastation in the…