Year: 2019
48: Tori Hope Petersen | Hope For the Foster Child
48: Tori Hope Petersen | Hope For The Foster Child Tori Hope Petersen Tori Petersen graduated from Hillsdale College. She studied Christian studies and psychology while running track. She spent her summers working for her church and on Capitol Hill writing a policy to present to congressmen and women and White House policy staffers about…
47: Katherine Jackson | Empowering Refugees Through Hope Threads
47: Katherine Jackson | Empowering Refugees Through Hope Threads Katherine Jackson Katherine is the co-founder of Hope Threads, an educational workforce program for refugee women in Raleigh, NC. She is married to Mark. Momma to 3 kids. She resides in her hometown of Raleigh. Facebook-f Instagram Wordpress Katherine and I chat about how she began…
46: Gift Guide 2019: Women, Men, and Kids
46: Gift Guide 2019: Women, Men, and Children Sam (my husband) and my oldest son join me for the 2019 Gift Guide for women, men and children. We share gift recommendations in various categories including apparel, outdoor toys, experience ideas, books, jewelry, and more. Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids Bennett’s Favorite: Money Soap Zoe’s Favorite:…
45: Barbara Reaoch | Advent with Children
45: Barbara Reaoch | Advent with Children Barbara Reaoch Barbara Reaoch is the author of A Jesus Christmas (2018). She served as director of the Children’s Division of Bible Study Fellowship International and currently enjoys writing from her home in Minneapolis, MN. Barbara worships with her family at Bethlehem Baptist Church. Facebook-f Link Instagram…
EP. 44: Rebekah Hargraves | Christian Legalism
EP. 44: Rebekah Hargraves | Christian Legalism Rebekah Hargraves Rebekah Hargraves is a wife, mama of two littles, blogger, podcaster, and author whose passion is to edify, equip, and encourage women in their journey of Biblical womanhood, particularly with an emphasis on the gospel and its implications for everyday life. Rebekah’s first book, “Lies Moms…
43: D.L. Mayfield | When Refugees Become Neighbors and Friends
D.L. Mayfield | When Refugees become neighbors and friends D. L. Mayfield D. L. Mayfield lives and writes on the outskirts of Portland, OR with her husband and two small children. Mayfield likes to write about refugees, theology, and downward mobility, among other topics. Her book of essays, Assimilate or Go Home: Notes from a Failed Missionary…
EP. 42: Brandy Goebel | Hope and Healing After Marital Infidelity
EP. 42: Brandy Goebel | Hope and Healing After Marital Infidelity Brandy Goebel Brandy Goebel is a co-host of the podcast The Road Home to You along with her husband of 24 years. She is also the mother to two mostly grown human beings. Beyond podcasting, she is the designer behind Bojo Mojo Design Co.,…
EP. 41: Susan Alexander Yates | Thriving In Transition
EP. 41: Susan Alexander Yates | Thriving In Transition Susan Alexander Yates Susan is a mom to five children and grandmother to 21. She has been married to her husband John for 50 years. They live in Falls Church, Virginia, a Washington D.C. suburb where John has recently retired as Senior Pastor of The Falls…
EP. 40: Tim Challies | Spiritual Discernment
EP. 40: Tim Challies | Spiritual Discernment Tim Challies Tim is a Christian, a husband to Aileen and a father to three children aged 13 to 19. Tim worships and serves as an elder at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario. Tim is a book reviewer, co-founder of Cruciform Press, and author of five books: The Discipline…
39: Jeannie Cunnion | Mom Set Free
EP. 39: Jeannie Cunnion Jeannie Cunnion | Mom Set Free Jeannie Cunnion is a Jesus lover and a grace clinger. She is the author of Parenting the Wholehearted Child and Mom Set Free and Mom Set Free Bible Study. She is also a frequent speaker at women’s conferences and parenting events around the country. Jeannie’s passion is…