215: Leigh Mackenzie | The Value of Trauma Therapy & Journeying with Jesus

The VAlue of Trauma Therapy and Journeying with Jesus with Leigh MacKenzie

Leigh MacKenzie | The Value of Trauma Therapy & Journeying with Jesus

Former top Pureflix mommy blogger, magazine writer, and megachurch sermon research assistant, Leigh Mackenzie is an author, podcaster, and motivational speaker.

Her recently released book, She Seems So Normal: Shatter the Plastic Princess, Embrace Authentic Faith” has been an Amazon Top 10 New Release for Abuse Self Help, Spiritual Biography, Pastoral Care, and Christian Self Help.

Leigh lives in Chicago with her husband, young adult children, and two rescue dogs.

Her Superpowers? Vulnerability, honesty, and biblical knowledge.

Her Ministry goals: Embrace, Encourage, and Empower trauma survivors to heal and help others.

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Leigh Mackenzie and Amber discuss the hard and necessary healing work after traumatic childhood experiences. Leigh’s book, She Seems So Normal: Shatter the Plastic Princess, Embrace Authentic Faith is a documentary narrative journey of uncovering long hidden sexual abuse and her journey of embracing authentic faith through the help of Jesus, mentors, prayer warriors, therapists, and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Questions Discussed During The Value of Trauma Therapy in Your Journey with Jesus:

  1. Take us back to your childhood and share a little about what family life was like for you. 
  2. You are a CSA survivor. Will you share a little of your story and how the abuse shaped the way you viewed yourself (and others) as a teen, young woman and beyond?
  3. What role did Jesus play in your early childhood?  When did you come to know him and how did the abuse impact what you believed about God?
  4. At what point did you realize you needed to embark on a healing journey from the trauma you experienced and what has that journey looked like for you?
  5. For someone who has PTSD from all that you have survived, You’ve said, She Seems So Normal: Shatter the Plastic Princess, Embrace Authentic Faith is a documentary narrative of a journey to unearth long-hidden, heinous childhood sexual abuse. As a megachurch biblical researcher for preachers, I was the picture of “put together, Plastic Princess” on the outside, but inside I was dying, believing the enemy’s lies, and wondering what’s wrong with my faith. When I stepped away from the grave of fearful rule-following legalism and into the gardens to embrace authentic faith, I found avenues of recovery and restoration for anxiety, trauma, and shame with Jesus, mentors, prayer warriors, therapists, and the work of the Holy Spirit.” What do you mean by “put together, Plastic Princess” in the context of the church?
  6. Tell us a little more about what you found with Jesus, mentors, prayer warriors, therapists and the work of the Holy Spirit?
  7. All too often, we believe that faith in Jesus alone is enough to conquer any of life’s challenges, but I believe that  that we minimize what “faith in Jesus” looks like lived out in day to day life.  It is not “pull up your bootstraps, never complain and get on with your life because Jesus saved your soul” faith. It is “dig deep and let people into your mess, so you can see Jesus on earth as He is in Heaven” faith. It is a walking hand in hand through every high and low even when you want to run faith.  Let’s close with how you have found those statements to be true?  How are you putting your faith in Christ alone, by going to therapy and doing the hard work of healing?

The Value of Trauma Therapy in Your Journey with Jesus Quotes to Remember:

“I grew up being the quote unquote, favorite of our resident predatory abuser….that was my life growing up.”

“There were parties that we’d go to. And now I understand them to be grooming parties to get children used to being held by other people that aren’t their family members.”

“One of the gifts of trauma is I have the ability to switch really fast and turn on and light up and perform and then shut down. That is good and bad.”

“I was the picture of put together plastic Princess on the outside, but inside I was dying, believing the enemy’s lies and wondering what’s wrong with my faith.”

“If you have a shameful story, and you need a little bit of courage…to know that Jesus Christ actually does love you. He actually is all powerful, and God is good. And he is great. This book is for you.”

Resources Mentioned:

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I was the picture of put together plastic Princess on the outside, but inside I was dying, believing the enemy's lies and wondering what's wrong with my faith.
If you have a shameful story, and you need a little bit of courage...to know that Jesus Christ actually does love you. He actually is all powerful, and God is good. And he is great. This book is for you.
One of the gifts of trauma is I have the ability to switch really fast. [I can] turn on, light up and perform and then shut down. That is good and bad

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