Developing Healthy Tech Habits

Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World

Andy Crouch on the human desire to be recognized,  the superpower zone technology often launches us into, and the impact that has on our real life experiences, and some redemptive moves we can make to reclaim relationships.

How Social Media is Shaping Us

Chris Martin on how social media is shaping us and practical ways we push back against its negative impacts.  

Tips for Parents in the Digital Age

Krista Boan on building an internal framework within your child when it comes to values and digital habits. 

Habits of Purpose in the Digital Age

Justin Whitmel Earley on habits and how they form us.  We chat about practicing habits of purpose particularly as it relates to our digital and media consumption.

Practice. Pause. Be Present.

John Eldredge on the practice of regular pauses and what it means to practice benevolent detachment.