Tag: prayer
203: Joni Eareckson Tada | Songs of Suffering & Hymns of Hope
203: Joni Eareckson Tada | Songs of Suffering & Hymns of Hope Joni Eareckson Tada | Songs of Suffering & Hymns of Hope Joni Eareckson Tada is CEO of Joni and Friends, a global ministry that serves the practical and spiritual needs of people with disabilities. She is also an artist and the author of…
202: Tyler Staton | Deep Prayer & Communion with God
202: Tyler Staton | Prayer As An Invitation Tyler Staton | Prayer As An Invitation Tyler Staton is the Lead Pastor of Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon, and the National Director of 24-7 Prayer USA. He is passionate about pursuing prayer—communion and conversation with God—while living deeply, poetically, wildly, and freely in the honest and…
Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation, 152
Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation, 152 Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation Sharon Garlough Brown is an author, spiritual director, and retreat speaker who travels internationally to lead events. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Sharon has served on the pastoral staff of congregations in Scotland, Oklahoma, England, and most…
83: Chrystal Evans Hurst | Prayer: Conversation with Jesus
83: Chrystal Evans Hurst | Prayer: Conversation with Jesus Chrystal Evans Hurst | Prayer: Conversation with Jesus Chrystal Evans Hurst is an encourager who teaches people to love God, to love others, and to love themselves. Chrystal is a wife, mother of five and grandmother of two. She is also a speaker and the best-selling…