Tag: Hear
210: Wendy Alsup | Clinging to God When Your Church Falls Apart
210: Wendy Alsup | Clinging to God When Your Church Falls Apart Wendy Alsup | Clinging to God When Your Church Falls Apart Wendy Alsup is an author, teacher, and blogger. She began her public ministry as deacon of women’s theology and teaching at her church in Seattle, but she now lives on an old…
John Eldredge | Practice. Pause. Be Present., 161
161: John Eldredge | Practice. Pause. Be Present. John Eldredge | Practice. Pause. Be Present. John Eldredge is a bestselling author, a counselor, and a teacher. He is also president of Wild at Heart, a ministry devoted to helping people discover the heart of God, recover their own hearts in God’s love, and learn to…
Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation, 152
Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation, 152 Sharon Garlough Brown | Spiritual Practices & Formation Sharon Garlough Brown is an author, spiritual director, and retreat speaker who travels internationally to lead events. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, Sharon has served on the pastoral staff of congregations in Scotland, Oklahoma, England, and most…
112: Gracia Burnham | Hope After Being Held Hostage
112: Gracia Burnham | Hope After Being Held Hostage Gracia Burnham | Hope After Being Held Hostage Gracia grew up in a home that put the Lord and his Word at the center of their lives. She could sing hymns from memory even before she could read! When she was seven or eight, a caring…