168: Alicia Michelle | How to Renew Your Mind

Alicia Michelle | How to Renew Your Mind

Alicia Michelle | How to Renew Your Mind

Alicia Michelle is a certified NeuroCoach, Bible teacher, host of the Christian Mindset Coach Podcast, wife of 20 years, mom of four kids and lover of Christ.

Known as the Mindset Makeover Coach, she equips Christian women with practical brain-and-biblically-based tools to overcome anxiety, perfectionism and self-sabotage so that they can cultivate godly confidence. G

et free training on how to overcome negative thoughts and learn more about her courses and coaching programs such as the Christian Mindset Makeover™ at VibrantChristianLiving.com

Alicia Michelle and Amber discuss the HOW behind renewing your mind, overcoming negative thought patterns, and the power of the brain.

How to Renew Your Mind Questions Discussed:

  1. (4:38) Share a little about your faith journey.  When did you begin walking with Jesus?
  2. (8:45) There came a point where you experienced a health crisis that made you reevaluate everything. What happened and what were the things you noticed that were not lining up with the “freedom in Christ” message you had come to know in your head, but not necessarily live out?
  3. (19:50) You learned the radical impact negative thoughts can have on every aspect of your life including physical health, which led you to become a certified NeuroCoach.  Explain a bit of the science behind the impact negative thoughts have on our bodies.
  4. (24:00) If I was your client, what could I expect from your mindset coaching?
  5. (30:00) How does that science intersect or shall I say support Paul’s words in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will”?
  6. (43:19) What are some patterns you identify in some people that make them a good candidate for neuro-coaching?

How to Renew Your Mind Quotes to Remember:

“I remember the doctor’s face when he came in, he just said in this very calm voice, ‘You have a vertebral artery dissection, which means that you are at serious risk for a stroke. After looking at what we saw, we can’t believe you haven’t already had a stroke…You need to be moved immediately to a hospital with a high Trauma Center.’ “

“I was in the hospital, and that was where God met me and said ‘Look, my beautiful daughter, you need to change. There will not be a third chance. I’m giving you a second chance.’ He gave me the confidence that I was going to get through this.”

“I really began thinking about mindset and looking and learning about the power of our brain, the power of the thoughts that we have on these subconscious levels. Why do we say, I know the right thing to do, but I don’t do it?”

“Our brain is always trying to keep us safe. It’s always advocating for protection.”

“What I love about brain priming is that it is the tool that helps us put God’s promises in our heart in a deep way. It is the tool that allows us to renew our minds. It is the science behind what God has been telling us that He wants for us forever, since he created us.”

“Our brains are neuroplastic, which means they’re continually being shaped with every thought we have. It’s changing. So as it’s changing, that’s hopeful, because that reminds me that God says I can always change and my thoughts can always change.”

“How it works in our mind is that we have a thought, and then an emotion about that thought attaches to it. When that thought and emotion are repeated enough times they become a belief. From that belief, we make decisions. And from that decision, we take actions. Then, the actions create the results. So as God says, ‘We can test and approve what His will is.’ We can allow our actions to be different. We can let the Spirit take over, we can live as children of light, we can love others in the way that He loves us. All of those things require a thought process change deep down underneath. We can’t just try to beat ourselves up into being who we need to be, quote unquote, for Christ.”

“I love learning more and more about neuroscience, because it again just confirms that God is in control.”

“We’ve learned that there are millions of new neurons that are created every morning. So it reminds me of the verse that says, ‘His mercies are new every morning’.”

“This is not a one and done process.”

“Our relationship with God is a continual renewing of our mind. It is a continual refreshing and aligning ourselves with the Spirit, because we live in a world that is bent on corrupting us.”

Scripture References

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We've learned that there are millions of new neurons that are created every morning. So it reminds me of the verse that says, His mercies are new every morning.
What I love about brain priming is that it's the tool that helps us put God's promises in our heart in a deep way. It is the tool that allows us to renew our minds. It is the science behind what God has been telling us that He wants for us since he created us.

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