238: Kaitlyn Schiess | What is My Political Life Supposed to Look Like as a Christian?

What Your Political LIfe Should Look Like as a Christian with Kaitlyn Schiess

Kaitlyn Schiess

Kaitlyn Schiess (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) is a writer, speaker, and theologian.

She is the author of The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of Our Neighbor and The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics.

She is a regular cohost on the Holy Post podcast with Skye Jethani and Phil Vischer.

Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Christianity Today, Christ and Pop Culture, Relevant, and Sojourners.

Schiess is currently a doctoral student in political theology at Duke Divinity School.

She lives in Durham, North Carolina.

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Have you heard these myths about how your political life should look like as a Christian?

  • Myth 1: Christians should align with a specific political party.
  • Myth 2: Faith should only focus on personal salvation, not political engagement.
  • Myth 3: Politics is too dirty and corrupt for Christians to be involved in.

Tune in as today’s guest, Kaitlyn Scheiss, shares wisdom and insight about how your theology can inform your politics in healthy ways.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the importance of reading and interpreting Scripture responsibly in the political arena, understanding how it can be both misused and appropriately used to support political beliefs.

  • Learn practical strategies for navigating political disagreements within the Christian community, embracing thoughtfulness and curiosity as you engage.

  • Find inspiration and guidance on how to engage in politics with a compassionate and transformative mindset.

My special guest is Kaitlyn Scheiss

Kaitlyn Scheiss is a passionate advocate for allowing your Biblical theology to inform your political engagement. Kaitlyn’s journey began in college, where she was exposed to the complexities of the relationship between Christianity and political ideologies. This sparked her curiosity and led her to pursue a seminary degree, where she delved deeper into the theological and ethical implications of political engagement for Christians. Kaitlyn’s commitment to understanding the historical perspectives of Christians on politics has led her to pursue a PhD in the subject, with a desire to bring forgotten resources and insights back to the church. Through her writing and research, Kaitlyn seeks to guide Christians in navigating their political lives in a way that is rooted in faith and reflects the teachings of Jesus.


“We didn’t have a political theology. We had just kind of been on autopilot, and we hadn’t asked some deeper questions about what is the meaning of government? What does it mean to be a citizen in a country in which we have great political power?” -Kaitlyn Scheiss

“What does it mean for me to love my neighbor? If I have ten things I care about and I can’t vote for one person that really represents all ten of those things, what do I do then?” – Kaitlyn Scheiss

“I think the goal is lower the temperature and ask more questions, be more curious about other people. It’s really hard to be angry at someone when you’re curious about them.” -Kaitlyn Schiess

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We didn't have a political theology. We had just kind of been on autopilot, and we hadn't asked some deeper questions about what is the meaning of government....
What does it mean for me to love my neighbor? If I have ten things I care about and I can't vote for one person that really represents all ten of those things, what do I do then?

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