Amanda is a mother, writer, and lover of travel.
She lives near Pittsburgh, PA with her husband and three kids.
Her goal: create products that help families build meaningful connections.
Amanda Glass joins me to discuss the inspiration behind her book, That’s What Dads Are Made For You may be thinking it came from a place of intimate connection with her dad, but it actually came out of a relationship where she didn’t feel fully known by her dad. It wasn’t until she had children of her own and her dad passed away that her eyes were opened to his present hand throughout her life. We also discuss her hope for That’s What Dads Are Made For book and how Philippians 4:8 played into her journey.
“I grew up in a family rooted in love, but it was heavy on rules and behavior.”
“Behaviors aren’t just good and bad. Behaviors communicate to us ways that kids might be feeling tension that might exist.”
“We [my dad and me] didn’t have heart to heart conversations. He didn’t ask me the details about my day. We had small moments of connection, but we didn’t have that deep sense of connection that I was longing for.”
“I didn’t have many friends at school, actually none who went to church….I didn’t know anyone who, when they had a bad day went to Jesus.”
“I remember feeling that I didn’t connect with him [dad] in a way that he knew me. I didn’t feel known by him.”
“I started to have compassion on him [dad] as a person.”
“I was watching the waves come in, and the waves go out, and I was writing about the grief I was experiencing. It was in that moment all these memories that were small came back to me. Times we would play 500 rummy on the floor and he would fill my gas tank up with gas or times he would tuck me in when I was watching TV. All these little things came in and filled that hole in my heart and it was an overwhelming moment where I thought, we were connected. I spent an entire lifetime thinking that we weren’t connected, or that our relationship didn’t meet my expectations and all of a sudden, I got a peace. He [dad] did show me that he cared for me, and he loved me in these ways. That’s good enough. I can anchor myself in those positive moments. That was what started this book process.”
“I wanted kids to just be able to identify and celebrate the relationship they have with their dads.”
“I wanted to give words to dads, so that they might be able to have some if that doesn’t come easy to them. I tried to make it as applicable as I could to as many different types of families as I could. And my hope was that families could see themselves in the book.”
“I’ll hear people say things to me, like, ‘Wow, you’re just a positive person’ and inside I know how hard it has been to change my mindset from looking at the negative to finding things that are praiseworthy, and thinking on those things. It’s just a testament to the power of God and His word in your life.”
“I know how hard it can be to move forward in love, when you don’t have words for the tension that you might feel, especially when you’re a child….Forgiveness is possible through Christ. He can take our feelings. He’s big enough to take all of them. We can pour them out to Him and ask Him to guide us and to help direct us and move forward in healing.”
“Learn about God and the Bible. Believe what it says about Him and how much He loves us. Get to know Him as Father and connect with Him and that’s going to help you see your dad differently.”
“I would just encourage them to think on Philippians 4:8. Pray over that and trust that God will come in and change their hearts.”
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What are dads made for?
Author, Amanda Glass creator of the made for book series helps kids and dads answer that question.
That’s What Dads Are Made For is more than just a fun book with cute pictures. It’s one that creates conversations that build meaningful connections
Help your kids connect with dad with your own copy of That’s What Dads Are Made For Book at
© Grace Enough Podcast2025