Tag: hard

  • Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation, 166

    Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation, 166 Lori Wildenberg | Helping Children with Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideation Lori Wildenberg, mom of a daughter who has wrestled with depression, is passionate about helping parents help their children navigate a messy life. Lori is a licensed parent and family educator, national…

  • Lisa Whittle | Showing Up vs. Shutting Down, 148

    Lisa Whittle | Showing Up vs. Shutting Down | 148 Lisa Whittle | Showing Up vs. Shutting Down Lisa Whittle is the author of eight books, and her wit and bold bottom-line approach have made her a sought-after Bible teacher. She is also the creator of a companion video Bible study for Jesus over Everything.…