Jamie Ivey | God Made You to Be You, 150

God Made You to Be You, Jamie Ivey

Jamie Ivey | God Made You to Be You

Jamie Ivey loves creating things that help people believe the truths about who God made them to be. She does this mostly through her popular podcast, The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey, and through multiple books geared towards women.

Now she’s taking this passion to a younger generation. As a mama to four kids, she knows the value in kids learning at a young age that God made them to be themselves!

Her whole family plus two dogs live in Austin, Texas, and they all love to visit the West Texas desert as often as possible!

Jamie Ivey joins Amber to discuss her new children’s book, God Made You to Be You, cheering women on, and walking in their purpose.

Questions Jamie and Amber Discuss:

  1. (2:04) Share a little of your faith journey with us.  When did you come to know Jesus?
  2. (9:03) What’s it like looking back to when The Happy Hour began to now?
  3. (11:31) Podcasting and ministry leading has been one of the primary areas God has used to help you settle into who He created you to be instead of all of the other ministry leaders who sit across the mic from you. Share a bit of that journey with us and a bit of the tension.
  4. (17:00) “You be You” can sound like a popular post-modern mantra! What do you mean by that?
  5. (22:49( What are some ways you have learned to stand firm against insecurity and discontentment?
  6. (26:49) You’ve published your first children’s book, “God Made You to Be You” that came out of “You Be You.”  Why is this message important for kids and adults alike?
  7. (31:02) I see another theme in “God Made You to Be You” and that is how friends can encourage one another in how God made them unique and to point them toward using their gifts vs. grasping for someone else’s gifts. As we close, will you speak to that?
  8. (33:23) How have you experienced the sufficiency of God’s grace in your life?

Quotes to Remember From God Made You to Be You:

“The book [You Be You] was birthed out of me seeing women really looking around and wanting to be anybody but themselves.” “I have this belief that we’re only enough because of Jesus. My step further from you can go be whatever you want to be is…you only get to be who God’s created you to be.” “The number one thing I want is to be faithful.” “I just want women to chase faithfulness, more than we’re chasing success.” “One of the best ways for me personally to fight this [discontentment] is to really, truly, intentionally be a cheerleader for those that are around me.” “I’ve been a Christian for 21 years, 22 years and I’m still having to remind myself…that God has a purpose for me, that He has a plan for my life, that He has given me gifts and talents, that I do make a difference in my family, my community and my church. If I’m still having to remind myself of this, what would it look like to create something that helps set this foundation for our kids, because as parents we spend a lot of our time telling them to do things, but then we also spend a lot of our time trying to invest these truths in them.” “His [Sammy] friends got to step up to the plate. They got to do what we are supposed to do as followers of Jesus, and that when we see someone not believing what is true, we remind them of what is true.”

Scripture References

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Compelled Podcast Compelled uses gripping, immersive storytelling to celebrate the powerful ways God is transforming the lives of His people around the world. It’s full of incredible stories from missionaries, addicts, prisoners, and other believers sharing how God changed their life. And they combine those testimonies with sound effects, music, and narration. Not only is it one of my favorite podcasts, but Compelled has influenced what I do here at Grace Enough. Listen and Follow!
The book [You Be You] was birthed out of me seeing women looking around and wanting to be anybody but themselves
I have this belief that we're only enough because of Jesus. My step further from you can go be whatever you want to be is... you only get to be who God's created you to be.
I just want women to chase faithfulness, more than we're chasing success.

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