55: Grace Enough 1 Year Celebration

Amber and 6 Grace Enough Podcast Listeners

Today, 6 listeners join me to celebrate one year of Grace Enough Podcast.  

Kristianne, Allison, Kelly, Kristin, Kara and Vanessa each share an episode from the last year that impacted them and a recommendation for a 2020 episode.

One year ago the Grace Enough Podcast launched.  Today, 6 listeners join me to share an episode from the last year that impacted them and a recommendation for a 2020 episode.

1:01 Kristianne

Ep. 16: Beth McCord | Your Enneagram Coach, Enneagram From A Gospel Perspective

Ep. 53: Beth and Jeff McCord | Enneagram and Relationships

Ep. 02: Nikki Speer | Redefined Courage

Ep. 49: Jeremy Pryor | Family Teams

“He said quite a few things about the family being, in westerner culture, a nest that launches individuals as opposed to the Biblical model of a  family being a team.”

Ep. 40: Tim Challies | Spiritual Discernment

“The thing I took away from that was not something he said about spiritual discernment. It was that he enjoys his teenage daughters.”

“There are moments like that in the podcast that are neat. You cover these cool topics, but at the same time the whole part of delving into a little bit about them and their story is super helpful.”

Recommendations for 2020: Everyday people’s stories. Someone who is living the Christian life.

9:39 Allison

“I love the different perspectives and insights I get from the different people that you have interviewed.  I feel like it has expanded my awareness about certain issues and different things people go through.”

Ep. 32: Heather Dixon | Equipping Women For Courageous Living

Heather Dixon: “We had to come face to face with the reality that we are not promised another day on this earth.”

Recommendations for 2020: A guest that has experience with coming along side families with special needs children and/or a parent of a special needs child(ren).

A guest to speak on the topic of grand parenting.

Ep. 36: Treva Kuyper | Hope and Healing After Unexpected Loss

Ep. 15: Molly Stillman | Business with Purpose


Ep. 03: Kathleen Skaar | Christian Library International

Ep. 07: Kim Tschirret | Hope Reins

Ep. 27: Robin Fuller | Hope and Healing After Abortion

Ep. 50: Rebecca Bender | Freedom From Human Trafficking

22:05 Kelly

Ep. 41: Susan Alexander Yates | Thriving In Transition

Susan: “We tend to think and live as if stability is the norm. That’s what we expect, when things just calm down, but the reality is life never calms down. We have to switch gears in terms of our expectation. Our expectation is not that stability is the norm, but the reality is transition is the norm…Stability is those rare exceptions. I think the first thing that helps with coping with transition is to realize that this is the norm.”

“I think what we really deal with, as women, is fear. I think we cloak that word fear with concern. That’s the word that is more acceptable. ‘I’m just concerned about that older daughter and the decisions she’s making.’ But really it is a fear. That fear can be crippling and she [Susan] pointed that out.’

Susan: “Every season has challenges and every season has blessings.”

Re-configuring your marriage as an empty nester or when your adult children move back in.

Recommendations for 2020: A guest to speak to the parent/adult child relationship.

36:42 Kristin

Ep. 16: Beth McCord | Enneagram From A Gospel Perspective

Ep. 20: Cheryl Scanlan | Promised Land Living

Ep. 18: Maggie Kane | A Place At The Table

Ep. 38 Mo Isom | Sex, Jesus, and The Conversations The Church Forgot

Ep. 36: Treva Kuyper | Hope and Healing After Unexpected Loss

Treva: “I have reminded the kids over and over from the beginning that if we believe God is who He says He is, then we have two choices. We either trust Him and we walk in His ways or we roll over and we let the enemy deal with us.”

“I do believe God used that time in my life, like He used it in her [Treva] life, to really give a layer of faith that wasn’t there.  There was a lot of veneer to my faith, but what was underneath was particle board instead of a solid.”

Recommendations for 2020: Rosaria Butterfield, Safe Families, Raleigh Rescue Mission, a guest who has experience with adoption/fostering children with special needs

Ep. 48: Tori Hope Petersen | Hope For The Foster Child

Ep. 37: Lindsay Hinson | Foster Parenting

45:50 Kara

Ep. 28: Jodie Berndt | Praying the Scriptures For Children

Jodie: “When we allow the words we read in Scripture to shape not just our prayers, but our perspective, how we think about things, our children, our lives, the hopes and dreams we have…As we allow Scripture to shape those things it’s interesting to see how our prayers start to line up with what God already wants to do.”

Jodie: “As I slip my hand into God’s and bring my children before Him, for me I get a peace that I don’t think I would get any other way….I know He is for us and it keeps anxiety at bay and opens the door to that peace, that contentment and that confidence in the midst of the storm.”

Psalm 91 prayer

Recommendations for 2020: Bob Goff, my mother-in-law Sandy, Cheryl Scanlan and Jan Johnson again

51:52 Vanessa

Ep. 28: Jodie Berndt | Praying The Scriptures For Your Children

“The Scripture comes alive when you begin to pray it over your people.”

Vanessa was struck by the portion of my conversation with Jodie when we discussed that we can pray anywhere.

Recommendations for 2020: A guest to speak about adoption and how to guide them through life.

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