Mary Tomlinson has over 40 years as a business/personal coach and consultant. Since 2001, her On-Purpose Partners business has provided personal/executive coaching, marketing and customer service consulting – working with companies, individuals, healthcare, non-profit and government agencies. She spent 18 years at the Walt Disney Company as an executive, coaching teams of 8-800:
• Marketing Brand Director – positioning strategies for Disney resorts and theme parks.
• Director of Disney’s internal advertising agency – overseeing 5,000 projects; $130 million budget.
• Director of the former Disney Institute, a 585-room resort with 800 employees; 100 training programs and a $65 million budget.
On-Purpose Partners provides consulting, speaking and coaching in customer service, team building, personal and leadership development and branding. Helping companies and individuals be On-Purpose!
Mary and I chat about loving Jesus and loving work, living on purpose and discovering your God given design.
3:45 Mary begins sharing how her walk with Jesus began after being turned off by the church after her parents divorce.
“I came to know Jesus and His love for me. That He wasn’t up there keeping track of every thing I did wrong and it transformed my life. I fell in love with the Lord.”
5:29 Mary begins sharing about her career at Disney World as a Marketing Brand Director.
“When my children were born I had to make a decision of whether I would be a better mother as a working mother or as a stay at home mother. And through lots of self-reflection and prayer I decided I would be a better working mother.”
9:23 “My coaching is always, do your own self-reflection, realize how God has created you, and whatever you choose to do, do it joyfully. If I were to stay at home, because I think I need to stay at home and be bitter about that my kids would pick up on that and feel like they are the cause of my unhappiness. Or if I worked and I was unhappy working, then my children are going to believe that working is bad.”
10:25 We begin discussing Mary’s exit from Disney and the start of On-Purpose Partner’s.
“I took a step away and started to do a lot of self-reflection on who I was and what I really wanted to do and what would make my heart sing. I put one foot in front of the other and over the next three years used every penny of savings that we had toward this dream. It really stretched my faith, because I knew the Lord had told me to leave and it just took a while for the business to start to grow.”
“We want God to show us a spotlight of everything that’s coming and instead He gives us a little flashlight to show us what the next step is.”
14:05 “There are always new beginnings and new adventures for all of us in which we have to trust the Lord.”
Mary’s has a passion to help individuals discover what they are designed to do. She shares a few ways she goes about coaching individuals to find their God-given purpose.
Kevin McCarthy: The On-Purpose Person and The On-Purpose Business.
Women Doing Well: an organization that helps women live more generously. To be more generous, a survey showed, a woman must know:
J 4 Leaders: Judges 4 – Deborah. If Deborah, who was a leader in Israel, and successfully led Israel into battle in the Old Testament, then God can use women as leaders in the workplace today.
Professional Christian Women, a Raleigh non-profit: Purpose is to encourage Christian women in the marketplace.
“If God has given you the work gene, you can love Jesus and love to work. God will use you….Seek God and seek His Word and then be commissioned back into the marketplace as our mission-field, is really the purpose of Professional Christian Women.”
19:47 Mary discusses her book Wholehearted Purpose: Women Discovering Their One-Of-A-Kind-Design.
Two-Word Purpose Statement
“Listen to God’s whisper in our lives. Our lives are so loud and He is not going to scream, so when we take some time to think and reflect and ponder, amazing things finally bubble up.”